With the arrival of the trucker convoy in Ottawa and the subsequent protest that ended with the invoking of the Emergencies Act, the reality of the Canadian Political landscape has been exposed for what it is. A corrupted system. Not one member of parliament went out to talk to the truckers to get a firsthand view of why they were there. True, there is video of one senator who made it known he supported their actions. The rest, even the new pretender to the corrupted Conservative crown, Pierre Poilievre, were no where to be found.
Yet three politicians, two representing the province of Ontario and one representing Canada as a whole, were there. They were independent Randy Hillier, kicked out of the PC party for speaking up about the injustices being meted out without proper legislative review, Jim Karahalios, of the New Blue Party, and Maxime Bernier representing the People’s Party of Canada.
Yes, they could have been there just grandstanding, but at every opportunity they were just there to support the protests. Protests that have been uniting Canadians and exposing the rot that has permeated our political system.
In this issue we take a look at one person’s perspective of the convoy and a review of who and what the People’s Party of Canada is really all about.
Past and Current Issues - audio file
Feature Article
The Road to Freedom
With the arrival of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, I have been getting more and more confident that we will get our freedoms back and all mandates repealed soon. As it turns out, it was the first crack in the dam of oppression as more protests are breaking out across the country. For every protest stopped two, or more, break out. It is growing exponentially. The end is inevitable. the dam is about to fail, here and around the world.
A characteristic feature of these protests has been their peaceful nature. Rather than invective and violence, two characteristics of those on the left who try to force their ideas onto others, it has been a party atmosphere. Winter carnival. The only masks in sight being worn by our corrupt media. Everyone involved invoking what Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi had demonstrated previously. Peaceful protest will succeed because it brings people together unlike its violent counterpart preferred by the left.
Togetherness. Acting as one. That has always been our strength. Not the “diversity” sown by Trudeau. A person who at every opportunity has tried to sew division in our country. Trying to get us to fight amongst ourselves. Divide and conquer. Accusing everyone in earshot of the very sins he has demonstrated numerous times. He is the one who is racist, not us. He is the one who is a misogynist. Ask people like Jody Wilson-Raybould or Dr. Jane Philpott, just to name a few of a long list. I could go on, but you get the point. He is the living embodiment of “confession through projection”; every charge he lays on others reflects his own flaws.
My patriotism was flagging. No more. It is being restored, growing every day as I see more and more Canadians coming together in a peaceful way, shedding the symbols of oppression. No masks. People hugging and dancing cheek to cheek. Laughing. Smiling. Enjoying life as it should be enjoyed. Whenever an obstacle presents itself, rather than admitting defeat and walking away, finding a way to circumvent. Like carrying around a yellow or red fuel container, the latest fashion accessory showing their disdain for the Ottawa City Council’s audacity to order municipal police to steal fuel from the protestors.
Two incidents I found especially uplifting. The first was a nurse, Chris Nagel, fired from her job because she had refused to be injected with an experimental drug scolding a CBC crew trying to paint as ugly a picture as they could. While the on air “talent” kept his mask on and refused to engage in any way, it was the look of one of his support crew I found the most poignant. He showed absolute shame in his eyes. Never saying a word but every so often nodding, admitting that she was right. The second was a veteran cleaning the ice and snow off the War Memorial, chastising a CBC crew for being the propagandists they have become.
Canadian flags everywhere. And interspersed amongst them the Fleurdelisé flag of Quebec. I, a person of French-Canadian heritage who, for a long time, was embarrassed by the fact that I am unable to hold a conversation in the tongue of my father. That was replaced by abhorrence and shame as Quebec became controlled by bigots and infected by corruption. Yet knowing that many are good people, just like the kind of person I try to be. My faith in them is being restored by the support from all parts of Quebec. Reinforcing together, we are strong.
Another source of encouragement is that peaceful protests have broken out across the country. And these have inspired so many around the world, such as in Australia and New Zealand. Two countries with even more draconian rules than those imposed on us. Being shown that there is a way out. Again, by showing that together we all are strong and can, and will, overcome. Knowing, too, that in the end the fallout will not be anger and animosity.
Over my years of casual observation, one thing that I saw that troubled me is that violent revolution has a downside. The resentment results in the oppressed becoming the oppressors. Only when revolution has been done using peaceful means is there a chance for both sides to come together, because, again, working together produces strength. I have already cited two examples in MLKJ and Gandhi but there are others. Like Nelson Mandela in South Africa or Václav Havel in Czechoslovakia, which in turn ultimately led to the peaceful separation into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. True, the peace can be at times tenuous, as so much depends on the successors, but it still promotes healing of a country where all come together, no matter the ethnicity or language, to be one.
Here in Canada, the Truckers Convoy to Ottawa has become a catalyst for more and more examples of peaceful protest. Victoria, BC is seeing such protests. The border crossing with the US at Surry BC is experiencing protests. At about the same time as the convoy arrived in Ottawa, a blockade was established at the Couttes, Alberta border crossing into the US. Since then, similar blockades and protests at many other locations, including the border crossing with the latter typically supported by like-minded brethren on the other side of the border.
An unsurprising constant that, too, is starting to show cracks is the negative press associated with all these protests in Canada by Canada’s established media. Trying to paint as negative a picture as possible. Unfortunately for them, the number of people live streaming what is going on is increasing. Fewer people are in the dark as to what is really taking place. International media, especially Fox in the US, is showing the truth. Tucker Carlson has been merciless in his mocking of Trudeau and his handling of the protests. Even Bill Maher, of Politically Incorrect fame, has seen the light and, too, is mocking Trudeau. Trudeau, a person who hates criticism, is now being publicly ridiculed around the world all because he is unwilling to even acknowledge the magnitude of the protests. Let us not forget his calling those of us in support of the movement as being a “fringe minority” with “unacceptable views.” Unacceptable in a country where free speech is codified in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as is our right to peaceful assembly.
The past two years have been trying times, especially for those of us who distrusted the traditional media and used all available resources to find out what the truth is. It was bad enough that a fraudulent “pandemic” with no evidence was called, to be addressed with draconian methods with no support of science or morals. Then, to take experimental drugs and coerce people to take them on threat of losing their jobs in clear contravention of your right to security of person. People have had enough. A brave cadre made up of those who typically ride alone on the lonesome highways have come together to show the rest of us the way back to Freedom. Others are seeing the light and are joining, swelling the numbers to millions. Already, some provincial governments have caved, at least in part.
The end is nigh. We will succeed if we do not falter.
Submitted by: Alan Aubut
Second Article
The Big Tent Party
The People’s Party of Canada has been described as “far right.” Within the current political spectrum here in Canada, that is true! Another part of the reality is that, unlike the others, because of our passion for traditional Canadian values, we are a “Big Tent” party that encompasses both sides of the centre, as well as the middle. A true party of the people for the people!
Historically, Canadians typically have favoured a centrist approach. Traditionally, the Liberals held the centre, the Conservatives the right of centre, and the New Democratic Party (NDP) the left of centre. A centrist view focuses on cooperation and compassion. As an example of this centrist view, all one need do is look at our health care system that was adopted by all three parties. If you look at other countries where the “right” is well away from the centre you do not see that compromise, like our neighbours to the south. Here we put compassion to the forefront,
Unfortunately, those three Canadian parties have drifted far to the left and abandoned the centre. The People’s Party has filled that void by having a platform that reflects traditional centrist views. To the point that people like me, who used to vote Liberal, feel comfortable, as do many former Conservatives. While I have yet to meet anyone who says they used to be an NDP supporter, I do note we now stand as the only party that puts the interests of workers first. Therefore, I would not be surprised if they are members, but not yet willing to admit it. In fact, I consider our party a “grand coalition” of what, at one time, made me and so many others proud to be a Canadian! A party focused on fiscal and personal responsibility. One that tries its best to be fair. One that treats our fellow Canadians with respect. And most importantly, value and supports what, not long ago, were our inalienable rights and freedoms.
The problem is that the traditional triumvirate are now so far left that to be centrist is to be labelled as “far right.” Because relative to those three, we are! And therein lies the rub. It is a truthful statement but wrapped up in such a way that we are now to be feared when it is the “far left” that should truly be feared. They are a group that is working together to tear our country apart, wilfully throwing money around as if there is no end. Yet it will come to a head soon. Our vaunted health care is already under attack in that some are now purposely being excluded. And soon when bankruptcy looms, hospitals will be shut down as there will be no money to pay for them.
Political ideologues try to paint my party as being racist, as well. A quick look at the many People’s Party of Canada candidates across the country in the recent Federal election says otherwise. Including First Nation candidates! And many from a variety of immigrant back grounds. The far left use projection to paint their rivals with their colours. They are the ones who promote racism through Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, and other racist initiatives.
What happened to fairness and compassion? Note how those two words do not resonate at all within the Liberal party, the Conservative party, and the NDP. Instead, we are seeing the end of a long game by people who have tried to convince 37 million of us in this country, somehow, that we can save the rest of the world by destroying our economy and our society. Right now it is looming large that it won’t be long, if we don’t come to our collective senses, before we will have one question to answer: What will happen first in Canada, death from starvation or death from freezing.
The only party offering any hope of returning to what made Canada a great country to live in is the People’s Party of Canada, simply by returning to the centre which is “far right” of the rest. Yet, a “Big Tent” party that encompasses all ranges of opinion surrounding the centre. Truly a party of the people for the people!
Submitted by: Alan Aubut
Links of Interest from Canada and Around the World
Article - Canadian Banks are working to bring World Economic Forum Digital ID to Your life all under the guise of convenience. Banks are helping place an electronic fence around all of us.
“As Canada’s digital ID plans move closer, the Canadian Banking Association (CBA) is pushing for a national digital identification system. In a recent whitepaper, the World Economic Forum also argued for dystopian-sounding digital IDs, which could be used to decide who gets access to services, adding that banks should lead the way.“
Canadian banks champion WEF-proposed Digital IDs
Video (61:14 minutes) - Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, Investor Edward Dowd, Explains Bombshell ‘Fraud’ Charge re Pfizer Hiding Deaths Data; Many Media Outlets are ‘Accomplices to Murder’ DO NOT MISS. Historic.
Video (0.26 minutes) - Oops! Fake news with regard to what is happening in the Ukraine. Messed up by a gust of wind!
Video (20:45 minutes) - Randy Hillier announces he will not be running for re-election. Sad but well worth watching.
Video (8:07 minutes) - Another satirical look at the news provided by JP Sears. “The truckers protesting the mandates in Canada have been at it and are making a difference. Beloved Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing his best to shut down the dangerous trucker protests. Will Trudeau’s government win, or will the Truckers For Freedom win? Let’s find out in this video.“